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your BioBelt protection.

Outstanding effectiveness against mosquitoes

A scientific evaluation study out in 2016 by the Medical Entomology Service of the CHU de Nice (University Hospital of Nice) in partnership with the MIVEGEC (Infectious Diseases and Vectors: Ecology, Genetics, Evolution, and Control) Service of the IRD-CNRS (Institute of Research for Development-National Center of Scientific Research) of Montpellier highlighted the effectiveness of the BioBelt solution: a 50% reduction in the rate of mosquito bites in the protected area, and a gradual reduction towards zero mosquito bites from the sixth week of use of the device. This study was published in the Entomology Journal Parasites & Vectors.
Individually adapted to every kind of space and need, the BioBelt device comes in the form of a belt of Modules that act as lures for mosquitoes. Imitating human respiration and the transmission of acids exhaled by its prey, the networked Modules attract and capture mosquitoes thanks to precise ratios of inter-module distances and diffusion strength, with a dual effect unique to the Belt system: attack of the localized habitat and protection in the form of a barrier.
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